Life update and a fresh start?

Hi everyone!

So it seems I have been inactive on this little blog of mine for almost 2 years! How absolutely nuts is that?! Honestly, the time has passed so quickly and I really have no good excuses as to why I abandoned blogging. However, a lot has happened during this time; including a rather traumatic breakup, the completion of my A Levels, a new boyfriend, another breakup, starting a new course and LOTS of partying!


After my A Levels I chose not to head straight to uni but instead I enrolled on an Art & Design Foundation Diploma. I love this course! It has grown my confidence in my creative ability so much and has opened up so many doorways for me. Currently I am working on my final major project for this course which will give me my final grade and should I achieve a pass, I will be heading to London College of Fashion to study Hair and Make-up for Fashion for uni this September! How bloody exciting?! If by any chance you are interested to know any more about the Foundation Diploma or my experience with applying to uni and how I got into London College of Fashion please do not hesitate to contact me!

Here is some of my favourite works I have produced on my course:


Over the past year I also toughened up and got my first tattoo! This was a massive deal for me as I have wanted tattoos for the longest time. My tattoo does not really have some deep meaning to it, but I just love it and think it’s really beautiful! I have plans for many more tattoos and piercings; so I may do an updated tattoos and piercings post when I have a few more!


I have so many exciting life events coming up over the next year that I just cannot wait to record on this blog! I want to get lots of uni related content up on here like hauls, experiences and maybe some advice posts once I’m all settled in! Also, living in London I’m sure will make for some amazing ‘day in the life’ style posts, if any of you would be interested in seeing that type of content of course.

If you made it to the end of this post I praise you! Please let me know if you have any particular content you’d like to see from me as I really want to get into this blogging thing now!

Why not follow my Instagram: @lucyabutcher_ to see what I’m getting up to in my daily life or my art account @lbmuart to see what I’m creating on my course!

Thank you!

With Love, Lucy x

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