Spilling the tea on my first term at fashion school!

What a rollercoaster couple of months it has been! I would first like to start off by apologising for my absence, apparently I just forgot my blog existed for the past year!

I am now just over a month into my second term of studying Hair and Makeup for Fashion at London College of Fashion and.. it’s been intense! Not so much the work side of things as I’d say that has been on a par with the Foundation Diploma I studied on last year; but the whole moving experience was very difficult for me with being so close to my family and having such a tight knit group of friends at home and at other universities across the UK. I think this was a big reason as to why I closed myself off to making new friends at uni and found it difficult to branch out. There was also a fair serving of girl drama which to be honest I wasn’t expecting to have to deal with at uni and I certainly experienced emotions that I never have before! However, it’s not all doom and gloom! I have learned to love my own company and I am absolutely loving studying a topic that I am truly passionate about!

The work I have created in my first term at LCF is beyond anything I could have imagined I would be capable of! But most of all the knowledge I gained about the fashion industry and myself is what I am most proud of!

Living in London is everything that I had hoped it to be and more! There are endless opportunities for learning and inspiration; not to mention some great instagram content ((@lucyabutcher_)). I have discovered so many beautiful spots to eat and explore which I would love to cover here on my blog.

So whats next? I can only hope that my blogging might become a little more consistent now that my life has become more interesting; I have quite a few exciting things lined up over the next few months, including a trip to Paris!! Which I would love to document on here, even if only for my own enjoyment!

How does a post a week sound?

Love, Lucy x

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