Life update and a fresh start?

Hi everyone! So it seems I have been inactive on this little blog of mine for almost 2 years! How absolutely nuts is that?! Honestly, the time has passed so quickly and I really have no good excuses as to why I abandoned blogging. However, a lot has happened during this time; including a rather… Continue reading Life update and a fresh start?

Jumping on the bandwagon-Kylie Cosmetics

Hey, guys! So the other day I finally received my Kylie lip kits! I had wanted some for so long but it was always so difficult to get hold of them until she recently made them more readily available for everyone. Of course I jumped on the opportunity to be able to purchase these famous… Continue reading Jumping on the bandwagon-Kylie Cosmetics

An evening by the sea!

Hi, everyone! Because the weather took an unexpected turn for the better last night, my friend and I decided to take a trip to a gorgeous little seaside village near where we live. We started off our mini adventure by taking a little walk along the beach. It was so refreshing to be in the… Continue reading An evening by the sea!

First blog post!

Hello, fellow bloggers! As you can probably guess from the title of this post, I'm totally new to blogging and this is my very first post! Since I've recently finished my first year of A Levels at college and am now on a tediously long and boring summer break; I figured that now would be… Continue reading First blog post!